Kalda x Shoplifter
Shoplifter and Kalda introduce a new shoe collection.
The collection is designed by artist Hrafnhildur Arnardòttir, sometimes better known as Shoplifter, and shoedesigner Katrín Alda where the two meet and intertwine their worlds. Kalda design classics creep into Hrafnhildurs visual world where she gives them a make over with human hair. All hair being dyed by hand by the colorist Steinunn Ósk which makes each pair unique, for example one pair got the name ‘Shopi’s hair’ as it’s dyed like the colorful hair of Hrafnhildur.
Kalda & Shoplifter invite you to view the new collection tomorrow, between 13 - 16, at Kaldas showroom at Grandagarður 79, Reykjavík.