Bið Að Heilsa Niðrí Slipp


Bið Að Heilsa Niðrí Slipp, BAHNS for short, was founded by Helga Lilja Magnúsdóttir in 2013, inspired by sailing and the environment around the sailor community in Iceland, with the signature pattern based on the lightsignals from the cardinal buoys.

To steer clear of danger, sailors follow the cardinal marks blinking on buoys throughout the night. Constant blinking indicates north, three flashes east, nine is west and six short flashes followed by a long one is south. These signs are represented in the pattern on all of our clothes. And not without reason, at BAHNS, we try to steer clear of the trappings of the fashion industry. We only release garments when we feel like it. We make sure the design isn’t rushed, that it’s timeless and made from first class materials. You could call it slow fashion. We call it doing things right.

Helga has just released the jumper to her collection of ever growing knitwear and this time she is making it solely out of Icelandic wool. The Icelandic wool is unique in the way that retains heat whether it’s dry or wet, making it perfect for the Icelandic weather. She wanted to collaborate with stylist and editor of Tides Magazine Lilja Hrönn in creating the visuals for this limited edition jumper, and together they got on board the brilliantly talented and creative photographer Viðar Logi.

When creating the campaign they wanted it to be different and to be able to stand apart from the main range collection. Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir, who modeled it for them, is a well known and renowned actress within the Icelandic community and household name to natives of Iceland. BAHNS wanted to use someone who represented the collection to the core which we thought a bad ass like Halldóra would be a perfect fit. Viðar Logi photographed the campaign using his strong Japanese flash and unique environments like he does best making the reality of them almost feel distorted to the viewer. They also wanted to try and use darkness to harness the brutality of the Icelandic weather during the cold and dark winter months. Viðar then managed to catch the most awe inspiring images during the twilight hour.

The jumper is a limited edition and will be sold at Rammagerðin, Skólavörðustíg 12 in Reykjavík, Iceland. You can also add to your woolen look by grabbing a pair of woolen socks too, from her shop Kiosk at Grandagarður 35 or online here!

Photography by Viðar Logi.
Styling by Lilja Hrönn.
Make up and hair by Ísak Helgason.